– How do you know there is a fungal nail infection?

Nail clippings can be taken and sent for culture.


– Is this treatment covered by health insurance?

No this treatment is not covered by your insurance.

Payment is required in 4 sessions on the day of treatment.


– Will the fungus return?

We will discuss methods of improving hygiene to reduce and minimise reinfection.

For example: avoid walking barefoot in wet public areas, socks and shoe rotation.


-How soon will I see improvement?

A big toenail will replace itself completely in 12 to 14 months and a lesser toenail

will do so in 6 to 9 months.  Healthy new growth will be visible in 3 months.


-Can I walk after the treatment?

Yes, you will be able to walk out of the office just as well as you walked in.

The treatment does not harm you in any way.